Friday, September 19, 2014

VARSHA | 10 Things I Want To Tell My Younger Self

Here are some things I wish I knew, or wish someone told me when I was younger. They're just little things I wish I could change, or could have somehow heard my future self say. I don't regret anything at all, that's not what this post is about - it's just about advice I would have given myself back then if I had the chance.

  1. Grades are NOT the be all end all. They are NOT representative of the kind of person you are. They are NOT representative of your intelligence, or self worth. Getting a 60% on one math test, in one class, in tenth grade is not going to ruin your life. Strive to be the best you can, that's all anyone can ask for.
  2. He is NOT the be all end all. You loved him, and now he's gone. Do not let this ruin you. Do not let this break you. This pain is temporary, despite how permanent it may seem. It's okay to be in a bad place every so often, as long as you don't stay there forever. He's happy. You deserve to be too. There's life past all the shitty stuff, I promise. 
  3. Use that pain to do something constructive. Don't stop doing things you loved. Write songs. Paint. Play Music. Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice. Spend more time improving yourself, and less time wondering who's dating who, and who's fighting about what. It's not important in the long run.
  4. Nothing you think is going to happen, will happen. Four years from now you're not at the school you wanted to be at, you're not studying something you love, you're not getting good grades, and you're not with him. Plans change, people change, life changes. Stop beating yourself up over things that didn't work out. Stop expecting yourself to be the person you used to be. If you let go of those expectations, you'll have the power to be pretty freaking rad.
  5. Don't assume the friends you have now will be there forever. Once you get out of high school, you won't see them everyday. Try your best to see them when you can once you're out because, you're going to miss them.
  6. Despite what your parents say, try to get a job. Having no experience will bite you in the ass when you're older, trust me.
  7. While we're on the topic of parents, STOP LISTENING to them so much in general. You want to date someone? Talk to them about their rules. You don't want to be doing what you're doing? Talk to them about other options. You can't always just settle for what you're given. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want, if you want it badly enough.
  8. Stop being afraid to fail in fear of looking stupid. The only stupid thing is not trying stuff at all.
  9. Stop being afraid to be good at things. If you're good at something and someone wants to see it, show them. Be proud of what you can do. Doing things solely for self satisfaction isn't going to get you anywhere you want to be.
  10. Enjoy all of this, please. The good, the bad. Everything. Before you know it, you'll be 22 and wondering how the hell you got here. Life is a fucking whirlwind, and nothing's guaranteed. So enjoy things as they come. 
Twitter: @vmahh
VineVarsha Maharajh

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